Wednesday, October 28, 2009

It is 8:10 am on a Beautiful Wednesday morning.

I have been up since 7 a.m.


Because I thought I had class, ACLS class, but evidently its tomorrow. I wrote the wrong thing in my planner. How lame is that?!

<----Mr Bruce Lookin at me. Isn't he ADORABLE?!?! Yesterday I had my very first Craigslist transaction. I was scared. But, it was broad daylight and I met the person at Mcdonalds. She brought cash, (its for an old phone) and she even had toddlers with her. So I felt safe enough. Craigslist isn't so bad, if you're careful.

I started subscribing to RSS feeds this morning. I learned how in college, but never had the time to do it, and figured, I barely have time to check my email, let alone feeds. But, I did it this morning. Lets see how long it takes before I ignore them. I subscribed to a lot of Nursing Journals, evidence based nursing, that sort of thing. Hopefully i'll get some usefull information.

Miss Peanut Mae-------->
The little brat wouldn't sit still long enough for me to take a picture.

Work is going well, Happy to have a job right now, Happy to have a job I love. I'm still the newbie, and will be a newbie for a year or two, but all the other nurses on staff are pretty nice. They are soo smart :) I have, however, figured out the ones that I dont ask questions to.. the ones who arn't necessariliy evidence based.

I think Im getting better at patient- nurse interaction too... i feel very comfortable walking into a patient's room, and doing my assessment. I am also getting better at patient education.

Jeffrey and I at a friends wedding reception
in early October--------->

Okay, well i'm sick of bloggin for now. Maybe some day I'll get better at it.


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